Who is Dr. Mark Skousen?
Dr. Skousen is a nationally-known investment expert, professional economist, university professor, and author of more than 25 books. Currently, Skousen is a Presidential Fellow at Chapman University. He was recently awarded the Triple Crown in Economics for his work in economic theory, history and education. He has also been identified as one of the 20 most influential living economists (superscholar.org) and is known as “America’s Economist.”
Dr. Mark Skousen is the editor of Forecasts & Strategies, Low-Priced Stock Trader, Fast Money Alert, Five Star Trader and TNT Trader. For information on his financial publications, go to www.MarkSkousen.com.
What is Gross Output (GO)?
Dr. Skousen is known for this measure that the government now follows along with GDP on a quarterly basis. Gross output (GO) is the measure of total economic activity in the production of new goods and services in an accounting period. It is a much broader measure of the economy than gross domestic product (GDP), which is limited mainly to final output (finished goods and services). For more information on GO, go to this website https://www.grossoutput.com/gross-output/.
Who are your recommended coin dealers?
My favorite coin dealers are:
- For rare coins (PCGS graded coins) and bullion coins: Van Simmons, President, David Hall Rare Coins, P.O. Box 6220, Newport Beach, CA 92658, 1-800/759-7575.
www.davidhall.com - For bullion coins (American eagles, etc.), and common-dated U.S. collectible coins (Morgan silver dollars, St. Gaudens Double Eagle gold coins, etc.): Camino Coins, 1301 Broadway Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010, 1-800/348-8001.
www.caminocompany.com - For bullion coins, bullion bars, and Perth Mint Certificate Program: Rich Checkan, Asset Strategies International, Inc. (ASI), 1700 Rockville Pike, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20852, 1-800/831-0007.
www.assetstrategies.com - For rare and bullion coins: Pat Heller, Director, Liberty Coin Service, 300 Frandor Ave., Lansing, MI 48912, 1-800/933-4720.
How is Dr. Mark Skousen Associated with Jim Woods, Bryan Perry, Bob Carlson, George Gilder and Hugh Grossman
Mark Skousen, Jim Woods, Bryan Perry, Bob Carlson, George Gilder, and Hugh Grossman are part of the Eagle Financial Publications group of financial investment advisors. For more information go to www.StockInvestor.com.
What does A.E.I.O.U stand for?
A.E.I.O.U. comes from the tombstone of Frederick III, the first Hapsburg emperor. Many believe it is Latin or German for “Austria will rule the world.” For me, it means, “Austrian Economics Is Overall Universal.” I write about this in my book, “Austrian Economics for Investors” (Laissez Faire Books, 800-326-0996, $12) and mention it in my newsletter, Forecasts & Strategies, on occasion.
My question isn’t answered here, how can I contact you for more help?
Please contact our Customer Service department via email CustomerService@MarkSkousen.com or at 1-800-211-7661.