Why is Mark Skousen America's Economist?
- Officially designated “America’s #1 Economist” by Kim Githler, president of the MoneyShow, in 2024.
- Dr. Skousen has three degrees in economics: Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate in Economics (from George Washington University)
- Worked for the government (Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA), a non-profit organization (Foundation for Economic Education or FEE), and run several successful businesses (Skousen Publishing Co., FreedomFest).
- Taught economics, business and finance at several colleges and universities, including Rollins College in Florida, Columbia Business School in New York, and Chapman University in California.
- Currently Dr. Skousen is a Presidential Fellow and Doti-Spogli Chair of Free Enterprise at Chapman University.
- Received “My Favorite Professor” Award at Chapman University in 2019.
- Editor of the award-winning investment newsletter, “Forecasts & Strategies” since 1980, plus four other trading services published by Eagle Publishing. See http://www.markskousen.com.
- Authored over 25 books in economics and finance, including “The Making of Modern Economics,” “The Structure of Production” and “The Maxims of Wall Street.” See http://www.skousenbooks.com.
- His next book, "The Greatest American: Benjamin Franklin, the World's Most Versatile Genius" will be released this summer by Republic Books.
- Received the "Triple Crown in Economics" by Mr. Steve Forbes for his work in theory, history and education in 2018.
- Lectured in over 100 colleges and universities, and traveled to all 50 states and over 80 countries.
- Appeared regularly on CNBC as an economic and financial commentator on the Larry Kudlow Show and the Exchange with Rick Santelli. He has also had numerous appearances on C-SPAN Book TV.
- Based on his work “The Structure of Production” (NYU Press, 1990), the federal government began publishing a broader, more accurate measure of the economy, Gross Output (GO), every quarter along with GDP. See http://www.grossoutput.com. --In 2005, Grantham University renamed its online business school, “The Mark Skousen School of Business.”
- Consultant to IBM, Hutchinson Technology and other Fortune 500 companies, and has met frequently with US presidents, government officials and business leaders.
- Taught economics and business to inmates at Sing Sing Correctional Facility for 12 years (through Mercy College degree program).
- Since 2007, produces FreedomFest, "the world's largest gathering of free minds," held every summer in Las Vegas and other major cities. See http://www.freedomfest.com.
- Long-time member and has given lectures at the Mont Pelerin Society and the American Economic Association.
- Married to Jo Ann Foster in 1973. Together they have five children and eight grandchildren. In addition to being an outstanding wife and mother, Jo Ann is a writer of several books, associate editor of Forecasts & Strategies, teacher at Chapman University, and producer of the Anthem film festival. See http://www.anthemfilmfestival.com.